Terms & Conditions

We suggest you go through our terms and conditions before shopping with us-

Almost all the medicines we list on our website for sale are manufactured by Indian pharmacies and few from different countries. All these medicines strictly adhere to FDA and WHO standards. Please note that the place of manufacture is mentioned on the packaging of the medicine. You must familiarise yourself with this document before making a purchase. It describes who we are, how we provide products and services, If you disagree with any terms contained in this document, please do not use our services or order products from our website.

Creating an account with us

we know your rights to confidentiality and are being committed to securing your privacy. We are using this information that we can gather at our site to offer you the best shopping experience.

Whenever you order, you will be asked to set-up accounts which will include your email address, mailing address, name, credit card number, and expiry date as well as other pieces of information when you order for drugs.

We protect the pieces of information on your account details against any unauthorized release or access. We do not give any classified individual information to any other person only if we need to do so legally. We protect the pieces of information on your account details against any unauthorized release or access. We do not give any classified individual information to any other person only if we need to do so legally. your account such as placing orders on our website. You must have the expressed permission of the account holder to use their account on their behalf. You must not create multiple accounts or make accounts on behalf of any groups or entities. We reserve the right to change your password,

disable your account or ask for further information in the scope of preserving the security of our services and your account.


You must be 18 years of age to use our services.

Shipping Policies for Order

Every order will be charged a fee which is usually based on the consignment weight. Please give up to 10 working days for shipping.

Default Shipping Address

Your default shipping address is mostly used in your recent order. During the registration process, you can change the address by clicking the pick a different address list in drop down.

Select another address or choose “add a new address.” You can decide to change your shipping address anytime you want in the address of your account.

You can delete, edit or add any of your shipping address. The changes you make won’t affect the orders that have placed already.

Drug Policy

we will not ship narcotics or a controlled substance like the Benzodiazepines to any of pharmaceutical clients.

Price and Payment

The price of the products and any additional delivery or other charges is that set out on our website at the date of the order or such other price as we may agree in writing.

Where appropriate, prices and charges include GST  at the rate applicable at the time of the order. You must pay by submitting your credit or debit card details with your order and we can take payment immediately before acceptance of order and delivery of the product.

If We Must Reject Your Order

Once an order is made we reserve the right to reject it. For instance, if we are unable to verify your identity, we must reject your order. However we may reject your order for any reason, such as suspected fraud or inaccuracies in the information provided to us.

Making Changes

You must contact us as soon as possible if you need to make any changes to your order. We will try to accommodate changes whenever possible and in a timely manner. If this is not possible you may wish to end the contract with us, please see “ending this contract” below.

Please keep in mind that we are unable to offer refunds on medicines that have been shipped from our pharmacy, therefore it is important that you let us know as soon as possible if you wish to make changes to an order.

We reserve the right to make changes to our products or services at any time. For instance, this may be to meet regulatory requirement changes, relevant changes in law, stock availability, or on account of internal safety audits.

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